S.3 E.27 - Overcoming the Challenges of Change This New Years - with Homeboy Industries

As a new year approaches many of us are reflecting upon this past year - what we've accomplished, special memories, how far we've come; as well as the changes up ahead - our new year's resolutions, trips we have planned, things we want to accomplish.

As I think of life changes, goals, and looking ahead - I think of an organization I was introduced to back in 2018 while I was in Los Angelas on a leadership tour. Homeboys Industries. Now I’ll confess - I went into homeboys having a fixed mindset, but I came out with tears, empathy, and truly humbled with a new perspective. Homeboy Industries is the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world, welcoming thousands through their doors each year.

Today we'll talk with Homeboys to understand:
- what is Homeboys Industries
- types of services provided by Homeboys Industries
- time frame of employment and program participation at Homeboys Industries
- how to get involved in your local Global Homeboys Network
- how to make choices of change this New Year no matter your life circumstances
- obstacles of reaching New Year's resolutions
- tips to accomplishing your New Year's resolutions

As result we'll be encouraged that there is hope, there is healing, and there is a place and a way to embrace the change you want to see as you step into this new year.

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Related episodes on Holly's Highlights podcast:
Season 2 Episode 1: 7 steps to Goal setting in the New Year
Season 2 Episode 19: Breaking the Chains of addiction
Season 3 Episode 1: Moving forward in a new year