Heroes Wanted - By Rodney D. Bullard

Rodney D. Bullard

Rodney D. Bullard

Besides being a stay at home mom, I used to have a “dream” of marrying a pro baseball player. I could almost picture getting to go and cheer on my husband by day, and then going and passing out money by night. Ha! I know what you are thinking, “keep dreaming.” Seriously though, I truly would LOVE to be wealthy and be able to give it all away or even work for a wealthy individual or company where I could seek out needs and help meet them. This might be doing special things for people or setting up programs to help meet needs - the sky’s the limit. My dilemma - well, besides not being wealthy? I came to find myself being a single mom and got discouraged as to what difference I could make. Rodney Bullard, author of Heroes Wanted, reflects in his book upon the biblical story of the widow’s contribution. He states “she focused on the invitation to give her best. Her calling was to make a difference with what she had.” This was convicting as it reminded me I don’t have to have wealth to give it away, in fact, I don’t even have to be married to be able to make a positive impact, I just have to give my best of what I do have.

Bullard continues throughout his book encouraging the reader to take a few minutes each day for three days to observe the 3-foot rule:

  • “SEE the gifts of three people who pass within three feet of you”

  • “HEAR their story”

  • “reflect on how the experience can CHANGE your life and the people around you”

He points out that through such observation there is “no shortage of opportunities for you to be a hero.” The time taken, the commitment to reach out, the mental effort to solve a problem, and the patience with others can allow us to “see and connect” with others. And where Bullard takes it from there I’ve been able to observe him personally doing - “the best heroes invite others to join them to make a difference.”

Heroes Wanted will take you through how to step up and be the hero those around you need, through your calling, commitment, compassion, connection, conviction, community, courage, charity, and confidence. This has got to be one of my top five FAVORITE books. It is simply filled with SO many golden nuggets of realistic applications to every part of our life. This book applies to the work setting, personal life, and even application in our walk of faith. Some of the challenges presented by the author include:

  • being willing to sacrifice to help make the team better

  • reexamining your self-professed limits

  • not feeling compelled to fill the silence

  • embrace hardships as often that pressure is what “gradually forms the most brilliant diamonds”

  • and so much more!

One of the biggest takeaways for me was to “never underestimate the importance of each and every conversation.” That was my wealth I could offer even as a single mom. Throughout this pandemic I have tried to stop and take this “extra” time to truly listen to others - to hear not only with my ears, but with my eyes in their body language, my heart through compassion and empathy, and my hands and feet by trying to help where and as able. But most of the time I have found that the simple, yet often overlooked valuable gift I could give, is just taking in each and every conversation as if no one else existed during that time. The wealth of showing genuine love to those around me is priceless - so yes, I am a single mom and I am thankful not necessarily for the hardships I have endured, but for how God can use those hardships to better relate with others, lift them up, and use me to help meet a need.

Won’t you take that challenge with me? As you go about your day today, look for those within three feet of you whom you can let time stand still and invest in them with your gift of time - no rich or fame needed. After all, “the world needs you to live your heart out” - Heroes Wanted.

Purchase Heroes Wanted now on Amazon.
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