#12 - Year-End Finances

The end of the year is a great time for some self-reflection... to see what worked, and make some change for the year ahead. Of those who set financial goals for the year ahead, only 80% actually end up keeping them for even the first six weeks of the year. When it comes to our finances there are many tools we can use from an annual bank statement, or credit card statement, to even meeting with a professional tax consultant. 

We are going to talk with principal tax partner, Tony Wolff, who is going to help us with all things end-of-year finances. From tax deductions and tax credits, and how to reduce the risk of an audit, to monies we need to claim taxes on, how that stimulus check may or may not affect us, how to set up a budget, and so much more! 

Connect with Tony online or by email at info@wolfftaxcpa.com.

Listen to Year-End Finances episode here.