S.2 E.8 - Losing Those Covid Pounds

We all know that the start of a new year brings a common resolution of "lose weight", but it looks like Covid may have an impact on that too. According to CNN - some people have gained an average of 1.5 pounds each month during this pandemic - so looking at weight, healthy eating, and the like are even more of a common talk these days. 

In honor of National health month, and due to these added concerns of eating healthy, we have Ariel Szilagyi joining us today to help us out a bit when it comes to how to make good healthy choices moving forward.

Ariel is a nationally recognized Health Optimization Expert, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), and San Francisco's Premier Longevity-Focused Personal Trainer. She works with high-achieving professionals around the globe to identify and address the root causes of their burnout and chronic exhaustion using lab testing, and implement science-based, holistic strategies to achieve peak performance and exceptional, lasting health outcomes.  Ariel's passion for her craft is rooted in 7 years of experience working in all sectors of the health and wellness space, along with a genuine desire to help her clients find joy and meaning in the lifelong pursuit of their optimal health potential.

From how much water to drink, foods to avoid, where to get protein, vitamins to use, and so much more - Ariel will help us unpack the many myths and questions, as well as provide clarity to the confusion of what goes into eating healthy for a healthier you.

Connect with Ariel Szilagyi at www.ArielSzilagyi.com or on the Fitness and Nutrition for Busy Professionals Facebook Group.

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