S.3 E.15 - How to Make a Family Mission Statement

Just as company’s and individuals can often write out a mission statement - something that helps provide basically a reason for existence, so also is it helpful for families to align the family’s purpose, goals and overall direction.

In this episode on Holly's Highlights podcast, we'll learn how to create a family mission statement in hopes of helping your family stay aligned and cultivate that overall desired family culture. After all - the wanted outcome doesn’t just happen, but requires intentionality.

Families are going to look a little different - and it does take a village - thank goodness for different cultures and heritages too, but again, achieving your hopes for your family requires being intentional in investing in your family . As the saying goes “Family, like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.”

Here's to uniting as one as you gather your troops and embark on the journey of creating your family mission statement.

This episode brought to you by: Glorieta Adventure Camps

Use promo code Holly's Highlights when registering for one of the nine available week-long family camp reservations for 2023 and receive 10% off your camp fees. Offer available for the first four families registering using the promo code Holly's Highlights.

Related episodes on Holly's Highlights podcast:
Season 2 Episode 4: Three ways to use your personality assessment results
Season 3 Episode 3: The Language of Love - What's Your Love Language?

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